How Much Money Can a React JS Developer Earn in Sri Lanka?

Interested in becoming a React JS developer in Sri Lanka? Learn about the earning potential and job market for this in-demand skillset. App Dev Sri Lanka explores the factors that affect React JS developer salary Sri Lanka.

React JS developer salary Sri Lanka

Did you know? React JS is a popular JavaScript library

React JS is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It’s used by businesses of all sizes to create high-performance web applications. With the growing demand for skilled React JS developers, many are curious about the earning potential in this field in Sri Lanka. In this article, we’ll explore how much money a React JS developer can earn in Sri Lanka and the factors that affect React JS developer salaries in the country.

First, it’s important to understand that the salary of a React JS developer in Sri Lanka can vary widely depending on several factors. One of the most significant factors is experience. Junior-level React JS developers can expect to earn an average salary of around Rs. 600,000 to Rs. 900,000 per year. Mid-level developers with several years of experience can earn an average salary of around Rs. 1,200,000 to Rs. 1,800,000 per year. Senior-level developers with extensive experience and expertise can earn an average salary of around Rs. 2,000,000 or more per year.

Another factor that can impact the salary of a React JS developer in Sri Lanka is the industry they work in. Some industries, such as tech startups, may offer higher salaries to attract and retain top talent. Additionally, companies that are focused on software development and IT services tend to pay higher salaries to their developers.

Location is another factor that can impact a React JS developer’s salary in Sri Lanka. Developers working in larger cities like Colombo and Kandy tend to earn higher salaries due to the higher cost of living and the higher demand for skilled talent in those areas.

React JS developer salary Sri Lanka


In conclusion, the earning potential of a React JS developer in Sri Lanka is quite promising. With experience, expertise, and a focus on high-demand industries and locations, a React JS developer can earn a good salary in Sri Lanka. As this in-demand skillset continues to grow in popularity, the earning potential for skilled React JS developers is only set to increase.

So, if you’re interested in becoming a React JS developer in Sri Lanka, start building your skills and experience today! With the right training and experience, you can build a successful career in this exciting and growing field.

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Joel Jerushan

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